Michelle Anderson
Principal / Sr. Environmental Planner / Sr. Biologist
Michelle has over 25 years of experience completing high quality biological and environmental studies in Idaho, Washington, and Montana. She received her degree in Biology with a focus on Botany from Western Washington University. She is a Certified Sediment and Erosion Control Lead who has been trained in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual and Western Mountains, Valleys and Coasts, and Arid West regional supplements. She also specializes in Hydric Soils, Public Involvement, Noise Analysis using TNM software, and has many other technical trainings.
She has held positions as Sr. Environmental Planner at Avista Utilities, Environmental Division Manager at an engineering firm, Eastern Regional Environmental Manager at WSDOT, Habitat Specialist and Program Manager for a Conservation District and Botanical Researcher at the Smithsonian Institution.
Michelle is an expert in: the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA); construction compliance; wetland delineation and mitigation; habitat restoration; Biological Assessments, Section 4(f), and environmental permitting; and has extensive experience preparing Environmental Impact Statements (EISs), Environmental Assessments (EAs), Categorical Exclusions (CE), and environmental permitting.
Outside of work, Michelle loves planning adventures with friends and family, skiing, running, and exploring the world.

Jacob Taylor
Biological Technician / GIS Analyst
Jacob has over 10 years experience working in the biological and natural resource industry. He holds a Certificate in GIS Analysis and Mapping; is a Certified Sediment and Erosion Control Lead; and is trained in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual including the Western Mountains, Valleys and Coasts, and Arid West regional supplements, and Hydric Soils. He is also trained in noise analysis using TNM software. He is working towards a degree in Environmental Science/Biology at Eastern Washington University. Jacob is highly experienced in wetland delineation; GIS analysis and mapping; stream typing, permitting, and hazardous material reviews; Habitat Management Plans, including critical areas and shorelines compliance; NEPA documentation; biological reports; and noise analysis. He also has a background in trail work and public lands conservation, wildland firefighting, and forestry.
During his free time, you might find Jacob snowboarding in the Cascades or Rocky Mountains, fly-fishing in the Idaho Panhandle, or stopping to smell the flowers in the Dishman Hills near his home in Spokane Valley.

Jennifer Allen
Archaeologist / Principal Investigator for Cultural Resources
Jennifer has over 11 years conducting and reporting Phase I, II, and III archaeological investigations and Class I, II and III cultural resource investigations. She also meets the Secretary of Interior’s Standards for prehistoric and historic archaeology. She received her undergraduate degree in History and Anthropology from Michigan State University and her Master’s Degree in Applied Anthropology from the University of Maryland. Jennifer performed field work and led field crews in numerous states throughout the mid-Atlantic, Midwest, Pacific Northwest, and the northern Rockies. She has extensive experience performing Section 106 and 110 compliance for land management agencies. Her experience includes public outreach, backcountry travel, lab and curation and monitoring.
When she is not working, Jennifer bakes too much for her own good, runs absurdly long distances in the mountains, split boards, and bikes. And while she doesn’t have a dog of her own, she almost always has a dog around, whether she is dog sitting for friends or fostering from the animal shelter.

Jessica From
Assistant Environmental Planner / Biologist
Jessica has over 6 years experience in natural resources and environmental planning. She received her degree in Wildlife, Ecology and Conservation from Northwest Missouri State University. She is trained in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual Western Mountains; Valleys and Coasts; Arid West; Atlantic and Gulf Coast; and Midwest and Great Plains regional supplements. She is experienced in NEPA, Wetland Delineations, Habitat Management Plans, Shoreline Impact Assessments, Rare Plant Surveys and GIS analysis, and mapping. She also has extensive experience and knowledge in botany, native plant restoration, native plant seed collection, avian surveys, trail work, and invasive fish removal for tribes and government agencies such as BLM, USFS, and NPS.
Outside of work, you can find Jessica hiking, camping, and snowboarding. When she is not outdoors, she enjoys propagating and taking care of her numerous houseplants, baking, and playing with her dog Bella.
Mark Gerber
Environmental Planner / Noise Analyst
Mark has over 26 years of experience in the Western U.S., particularly in Idaho, Montana, Colorado, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, California, New Mexico, Oregon, and Washington. He received his degree in Biology from Boise State University and holds certifications in Wetland Delineation and noise analysis using TNM and Stamina modeling software. He specializes in performing environmental compliance, NEPA, Biological, Wetland, Endangered Species Act Compliance, and Geographic Information Services (GIS) related to the transportation market.
During his off-time you can find Mark hiking, remodeling, and generally enjoying anything outdoors.